Located at the eastern edge of the city on Lake Whatcom, the Silver Beach neighborhood was platted into small lots and developed many years ago. As a result of this pattern, there is a wide variety of ages and styles of housing in the neighborhood. The majority of the housing is in good shape and the fact that people take pride in the area is reflected by the well-landscaped lots and well-maintained homes throughout the neighborhood. The neighborhood has miles of shoreline along Lake Whatcom, which provides beautiful views, tremendous recreational opportunities, and a unique setting. Over 3,000 Bellingham residents are proud to call this neighborhood home.
Located on Lake Whatcom, 20-acre Bloedel Donovan Park is one of the most popular parks in the city. The park provides boating access to the lake, swimming area, playground, basketball and volley ball courts, open play field, a multi-purpose building with gymnasium and meeting rooms, a smaller building for meetings and classes, and a pre-school.
Big Rock Garden on Sylvan Street is a formal, landscaped garden with a collection of rhododendrons and Japanese maples. It is also the location of the annual sculpture show. Walking paths wind through the gardens. An adjacent open space area includes trails that connect to Silver Beach Elementary School. In addition, the city maintains several access points to Lake Whatcom at Connecticut Street, Donald Street, and the Silver Beach DNR property. Part of the Railroad Trail and north side of Whatcom Falls Park are in the Silver Beach neighborhood.
Source: City of Bellingham Website in the Neighborhood Profiles pages located at, www.cob.org